June 4th, 2025
Online via Zoom
4.0 CLE Credits
A half day webinar to get those critical credits in before the reporting period ends (and learn useful information in the process!).
Check back for more details.
Online via Zoom
4.0 CLE Credits
A half day webinar to get those critical credits in before the reporting period ends (and learn useful information in the process!).
Check back for more details.
In Weber County (and virtual)
6.0 CLE Credits
Join us as UACDL presents on jury selection strategies. Whether you’re allowed to do attorney-conducted voir dire or have to fit your selection in the narrow confines of judge-conducted voir dire, this conference will help improve your selection of the key decision makers of your client’s trial.
More details forthcoming.
In St George (not virtual)
6.0 CLE Credits (including 1.0 professionalism credit)
Join us in St George before the weather gets too hot!
More details forthcoming.
Provisional presenter list (subject to change):
Jason Schatz on defending drug DUIs;
Elisabeth Ferguson on litigating gun rights;
Ethics or professionalism presentation by a judge presenter;
David Ferguson on challenging Fourth Amendment warrants.
At the University of Utah
8.0 CLE Credits
Qualifies for Rule 8 status.
More details forthcoming.
At the Utah State Bar (and virtual)
9am-4:30pm each day
12.0 CLE Credits including 1.0 Ethics and 1.0 Professionalism
Join us for UACDL’s annual 2-day seminar where we’ll dive into defending some of the toughest, highest stakes cases in defense practice.
More details forthcoming.
At the Utah State Bar (and virtual)
6.0 CLE Credits
Join us for our annual DUI seminar!
Check back for details.
Catering provided
This conference includes 8.0 CLE credits and qualifies for Rule 8 education requirements.
Please plan to show up early early as parking near the law school requires going down a nearby street to get to stadium lot parking with a short walk to the law school. We will be starting right at 8:30 am.
This year’s seminar we will be pleased to hear from the following presenters:
Richard Bourke, Louisiana Capital Assistance Center | Ethical Representation of the Mentally Ill | 8:30am-11:30am |
Break to get lunch | 15 minutes | |
Christine Lehmann, Louisiana Capital Assistance Center | Death Penalty and Late Adolescents: Brain science, extending Roper and Making Youth Mitigating | 11:45am-2:45pm |
Short break | 15 minutes | |
Kate Robinson; Louisiana Capital Assistance Center | LEAP Method of Communication | 3:00pm-5:00pm |
Please consider joining us even if you don’t do capital defense. There are few things as inspiring as learning how to give exceptional advocacy in the most high-stakes settings that a defense attorney can face.
If you are a social worker or investigator, please contact [email protected] about a different rate.
9am-5:00pm, 6.0 CLE credits including 1.0 ethics credit
Join us for our first conference of the year. Presenters will cover a variety of topics related to domestic violence representation. More information forthcoming. Please check back as the schedule may be subject to change.
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